Saturday, June 17, 2017

Two Paths: Book Review

Two Paths
By John Kasich
Giving as review by:
St. Martin Publishing

I was given the book by St. Martin's Publishing. I didn't vote for John Kasich. I was never interested in politics. I voted how I was influenced since I was a young girl, republican. This year changed everything with such a divisive election. I voted democrat.

I'm not going to sound off my feelings on the election. I am only telling my thoughts on Mr. Kasich, and his book. I don't live in Ohio. That said, I don't know about his governing. So, I can't comment.

I was very upset with the results of the November elections. Like everyone else, after the election. Most of us were emotional, scared, fearful, apprehensive, anxiety, depression. Never has this affected us as much as this election.

Mr. Kasich is part memoir, part to improve our our government. His book, Two Paths gives us hope. Something we need after the election.  He actually cares about people. Instead of dividing us he would like to be more inclusive to all. He would rather listen across the aisle, rather than argue. He is a breath of fresh air.  He believes we all should listen to each other. There is too much of shutting down instead of working together. For once this is a politician that makes sense. He is real, and doesn't make excuses. He is very positive and upbeat about our country. It is the other politicians who create the negativity.

Politicians don't want to reach out and work together, he states. They are afraid to speak up because they are afraid what their party will think. Mr. Kasich isn't loyal to his party. He seems to care about the people, and what is right. He doesn't believe that the wealthy should be influencing our government by dangling money to the politicians.

I have read other reviews of the book. Some people thought he wrote this for his re-entry for the presidential race in 2020. So what! I think this is a good introduction. Including myself who don't know much about him. I wish I had paid attention to Mr. Kasich!!! He is a better choice than Donald Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson. Because they sold out to the people. Where I feel, Mr. Kasich didn't sell out to anyone. I even feel that Bernie Sanders sold out. That is why many people went to Trump who were Sanders supporters.

Mr. Kasich stands up for family values, and what is right for the American People. He hasn't sold out. Where Donald Trump tapped into the anger of many Americans. Which he knew how to divide our country. Mr. Kasich during the entire campaign sent a positive message at every speech, town hall, debate, etc. I felt a warmth when he gave his messages. It gave me warm chills up and down my spine. 

Religion is hope, connective, love their neighbor, and grace. Big government can't run without a sense of transcendence and without a sense of responsibility.  You should lead a life bigger than yourselves. We are  running over people. We must treat people with respect.And conduct our lives this way. We need hope in all of this. We can't be treating people like widgets. We must LISTEN!! 

He seems to be from the old republicans( moderate). Not the right extremists. Which gave me a good feeling. Some people that reviewed the book felt it was rhetoric. I didn't feel that way. I did feel though at the end it was getting redundant. I still loved the book. I am glad I read it. Very easy read. It gave me hope for our country. Soon though Trump will be back in the USA from Europe and it will start again. Hopefully, I can remember there are other people out there. Who care about us. Not just their own agenda.

Below is a conversation of Mr. Kasich.

the book's title comes from his speech two paths that was written during the presidential race. 

I recommend this book highly:

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